The Our Lady of Loretto School Library has an extensive collection of fiction and non-fiction books selected to s upport the sc hool curriculum and to provide many reading choices for our students. Students visit the library once or twice weekly.
Funds to purchase books and supplies for the library come from the Birthday Book Club and the Scholastic Book Fair.
Parent volunteers are an essential part of the OLL Library. During class library visits, parents help with book checkout, book labeling, reshelving and storytimes. And, volunteers are always needed at the Scholastic Book Fair, held in early December. Contact Lynne Apostle, OLL Librarian or your clas sroom teacher if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.
Library Online Catalog The OLL Library Online Catalog is available for searching from home. The catalog lists about 9000 books. You are able to search by keyword, author, title or subject. No password is needed. Click here to access the catalog.