Our Lady of Loretto School was founded in 1958 by the Ursuline sisters, who were dedicated to the moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social growth of each individual student. The faculty, staff, and administration continue that tradition today. As a long-time educator, I also believe education means the education of the whole child and I am thrilled to be the Principal of a school that reflects this philosophy.
Like all Catholic schools, we are known for holding our students to a high academic standard in an environment that also fosters their spiritual and emotional development. I know that choosing to send your student to a Catholic school is an investment, but it is an investment in their future. Graduates of Our Lady of Loretto have gone on to Catholic high schools and public high schools with the foundation to be independent and thoughtful learners. Not only do we graduate students with high academic standing, but graduates from Our Lady of Loretto are honest, respectful, and just plain good kids.
If you’ve driven by the school lately, you may have noticed the amazing job our painters have done bringing the designs of the Beautification Committee to life. We have an anonymous donation to thank for both the materials and labor to paint not only the main school building but the portables and Keane Care as well. We are truly blessed with the support of our community.
I invite you to join the OLL community where the partnership between home and school is on display every day and we continue the long tradition of Our Lady of Loretto School fostering the spiritual, academic, physical, and emotional development of each student.